Saturday, June 14, 2014

Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell

Oh man. This book. This book is such a roller coaster. One moment, it was so adorable I couldn't stop smiling like a goon and the next, my heart hurt. 

This book is all about first love and discovering yourself. It's kind of like a Judy Bloom book but with the volume turned up. Eleanor has had a rough life. Her dad left her, her mom and her 4 little siblings when she was young. Then her mom got re-married to a horrible person. She was kicked out of her house for year and when she came back her family had moved in with the horrible step-dad and she had to adjust to that while adjusting to a knew school. Eleanor is the type of girl that everyone loves to pick on. She wears strange clothes, acts kind of strange and is a little chubbier (which, being a chubby girl myself, I completely loved. There's never enough chubby main characters in the YA universe.) When Park first meets Eleanor, he's irritated by her, because she acts/dresses like she's just asking to be picked on.

Over the course of a few weeks, they start to develop a relationship. It starts off pretty rocky but eventually blooms into the cutest damn relationship I have ever read. Park and Eleanor are both huge nerds and reference comic books, music, and movies that I love. The conversation where Eleanor complains about X-men's Cyclops and compares him to Batman had me grinning so wide since I'm pretty sure my boyfriend and I have had the exact same conversation. 

But not everything is perfect. They go through so many ups and downs. It's a really good representation of what a first relationship is truly like. Everything is awkward, but they find a way to make it work and slowly grow more and more comfortable with each other. They had little spats like most relationships do, but they were able to work them out.

And then we get to the ending. Just when I was hoping everything would work out perfectly for them, everything takes a turn for the worse. Now I won't spoil too much here, but just know that the ending kind of leaves you hanging and a little heartbroken. I will say that nobody dies. I had heard that the ending was kind of heartbreaking and was preparing myself for a Fault in our Stars type ending, but don't worry, nobody dies. I did cry a little, but the last 4 words left a smile on my face. Rainbow Rowell leaves it up to the author to decide what happens after that, which is good in some ways, but I still feel like there's so much missing.

I may not get anymore of Eleanor and Park's story, but I am excited to read more from Rainbow Rowell. As soon as I have the money to buy more books, Fangirl will be in my hands.

I highly recommend this book to anyone who loves contemporaries, or is just in the mood for a cute, fast read. 

5 out of 5 stars!

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